Candy Verney
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Tuesday 11 December 2012

Sounding It Out raise their voices at Bath Christmas Market

Last Friday, we sang under the arches in Abbey Green in Bath, part of the Bath Christmas Market, next to the mulled cider, jewelry, Christmas wreaths and every sort of gift. Our gathering audience particularly liked the well known carols, but we had some compliments for the village carols as well- just like Maddy Prior, someone said. The highlight for me was when a very little boy heard me announce that our next carol would be Silent Night "I know Silent Night!" he called out, from the shoulders of his dad. Next thing, he was down, standing in front with the choir, and he sang 4 verses, one in german. His parents videoed the whole show. Well, we may have set a future musician on his road in life...

Singing with the very old

Over the last year and a half I have been invited into Mavern House Nursing Home in Melksham to develop a community choir- a choir that everyone connected to Mavern House can join. This includes residents, staff, and families. Also, several of my regular singers have generously given of their time to come along to swell the sound and spread confidence. It has been a very rewarding experience. We have heard from the families of some residents that they look forward all week to the sessions. There has been notable change in behaviour for some as well: more outgoing, lively and obviously really engaged. One of the regular members of Mavern Melodies (as they have named themselves), sadly passed away recently. The rest of us, 35 singers in all, came to sing Danny Boy at the service. We sang with heart and soul, and it touched us all. Singing is now embedding itself into the life at Mavern House. I have been told that some members of staff are now singing a special song to residents at their death bed. And the managers are investing in the sustainability of this work by sending 2 staff members on my Community Choirs Teachers Training in January.
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